Year 10 is the New Year 11 

The new senior curriculum has made students more competitive and pressured. The demands of school have caused negative emotions amongst students toward their education. When surveyed by website Year 13 on how they feel about Year 12, 70% of students said ‘stressed’, followed by 66% claiming ‘anxious’. 30% reported they felt ‘excited’, but this was […]

Power of Diplomas in the New ATAR Reality

Queensland education is entering the new era of the ATAR system or the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. This change means that Queensland will be aligned with the rest of Australia regarding Tertiary Admission.  According to the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) website, “To be ATAR eligible, students must complete either 5 general subjects or 4 general […]

#BeYourOwnBoss: How to Turn Your Passion into Business

Gone are the days when the measure of success is joining the corporate workforce and climbing up the ladder. Nowadays, becoming your own boss is often the goal, and it has become easier than ever. The idea of a workplace has changed as well. Thanks to the internet, you no longer need to be chained […]

A Day in the Life of a Teacher’s Aide

Have you heard of a Certificate 3 in Educational Support? What does a Teacher’s Aide job actually involve? We talked to Kelly Pears, a teacher’s aide at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, to find out what it’s like. A teacher’s aide is an important part of classroom learning and provides the perfect opportunity for you to […]

How Neglecting Your Facebook Page = Neglecting Your Business

The Facebook Page has now become the new storefront, and the Newsfeed the new busy street full of potential customers and clients. Still, some companies fail to see the importance of creating and maintaining an updated and engaging Facebook account. While tried-and-tested marketing strategies are great, failing to embrace the change brought about by technology can leave […]

June Completions Taking the Pressure Off the End of Year 12  

Doing something last minute has become commonplace when it comes to study and school. According to, Year 12 students have thought of exam season as “a stressful box-ticking exercise that prize performance over mastery and data over potential.” Exams and deadlines loom above their heads, leaving them with no choice but to get through […]

5 Benefits of Work-Life Balance

Gone are the days when working overtime was glorified. Recent studies show that finding the right rhythm between work and leisure time is better for you all round. Here are five benefits that arise from having work and life balance. Healthier in mind and body According to, working long hours is bad for your […]

Working Mum Life: Striking a Balance

Mums these days feel the pressure to have an outstanding career while being a great homemaker at the same time. In order to get a clearer picture of this common predicament, we sat down with Julie, a working mum of 2 kids , and asked her about how she juggles raising children while earning that bread. […]

Is That Business Diploma Really What You Need to Boost Your Career?

The age of the “company man” is over. Corporations no longer have as large of a need for labour. Highly skilled workers are the only ones getting traditional jobs these days, and even those are highly contested. Generic degrees, even from university, are useless to these employers. The correct answer to, “Do you have any […]

Recognising the Potential of Vocational Education as a Pathway to Success

In today’s modern times where new, in-demand, and niched job requirements emerge every few years, it’s important for today’s generation to learn specific skills even before landing their first job. Because Australia’s education system is regarded as one of the best in the world, it is able to provide a relevant learning experience for its students. […]