Redmako Learning

5 Simple DIY Ideas to Revamp your Interior Design

Does your restaurant or café feel a bit dull? Maybe all it needs is a little redecorating! Why not give it a makeover with these simple and affordable DIYs? This might even be a good way to release stress from all those busy days in your business!

Instead of paintings or framed pictures, try using clipboards and attach images to it. Put it up against the wall you now have your or mini gallery. Plus, you could even change the images to match occasions or the mood of your restaurant!

Another great idea would be to use it for an efficient menu for your restaurant. You could add endless options and re-organize it every month if you want to! 

Get creative with jars and other recyclables!  Get a little crafty and make an elegant chandelier out of it. Use the to add light to your restaurant and your customers would definitely love the ambiance it would add.
Take a look in your tool shed! You’d be surprised by the useful things you can use for your restaurant’s makeover. Take a rake for example, turn it into a wine holder. No more reaching for glasses in the cabinet with this easy to access fixture.

Create beautiful lanterns using tin cans! This one is a very easy DIY that could even turn into a hobby. Create beautiful patterns to use as designs and paint it any color to match your restaurant’s theme!

Aside from helping you reach high things, who knew ladders are great  for organizing too? Turn old ladders into shelves or magazine stands  by adding leftover wood and add flavor to it by adding unique designs.  Fill it with books or colorful display for your customers to see!

These are just some ways you can spice up your café or restaurant’s design! There are many other ways change your  restaurant’s from being dull. One good idea would be to engage your customers! Get their suggestions and comments and let them put it in a feedback box. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Building customer relationship plus free interior design consultation!