Redmako Learning

Brisbane and Gold Coast Hospitality Event: Half Day Workshop

On 17th and 18th February, the Gold Coast and Brisbane (respectively) will each host a half day workshop on ‘How to Dramatically Increase Restaurant & Café Profits in 90 Days (Or Less)’.

Restaurant and café owners will learn how a local Queensland restaurant owner was able to buck the trend and increase his net profit by 112% – at the same time as he decreased his working hours by two-thirds.

Workshop attendees are guaranteed to learn new, simple-to-implement, cost effective ideas to increase their hospitality business’s sales and profitability.

Event Details:

Time and Location

To reserve your spot at the event CLICK HERE.

How to Dramatically Increase Restaurant & Café Profits in 90 Days (Or Less) will be conducted by Fiducial Accounting and Financial Services, and are sponsored by Redmako.

Redmako specialises in hospitality training, business brokering and finance brokering within Queensland’s hospitality industry.