How Neglecting Your Facebook Page = Neglecting Your Business

The Facebook Page has now become the new storefront, and the Newsfeed the new busy street full of potential customers and clients. Still, some companies fail to see the importance of creating and maintaining an updated and engaging Facebook account. While tried-and-tested marketing strategies are great, failing to embrace the change brought about by technology can leave you in the dust. Neglecting Facebook marketing strategies can hurt your business on a large scale without you knowing.

The Scale of Facebook

If Facebook became its own country, you and your potential customers will be part of the biggest country in the world. The social media company reports that there are an estimated 1.5 billion people who use Facebook every day, more than 2.3 billion people who use Facebook every month and 7M active advertisers are on Facebook. Hubspot listed Facebook as the world’s 3rd most visited website. If you’re not paying attention to your page, then you’re seriously getting left behind at tapping into this enormous market of online users. Facebook is a social network, so if you aren’t social enough or interactive enough, what would motivate your customers to interact with your brand? Reply to messages, action on requests and comments and ultimately be responsive as you would in face-to-face interaction.

The Wrong Kind of Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing costs can easily be the hole that will sink your ship if done wrong. One common mistake is being overly promotional, says Hootsuite, a premier social media scheduling tool. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. You don’t want to be bombarded with branded content. Hootsuite advises the 80-20 rule where 80% of your posts will be informative, educational and entertaining and only 20% promotional. This is in line with the audience-first mindset and will ultimately draw more people to interact with your brand. This also fosters trust between you and your potential clients.

Should You Do It Yourself?

Hiring a Facebook marketing agency or Facebook marketing specialist can be costly. Learning to do it on your own or training your staff to do it in-house can save you hundreds or potentially thousands of dollars. With digital marketing fast emerging as the quickest way to reach your customers, it really is a long-term investment to study social media marketing. You could complete a Facebook marketing course, but why not take it a step further and study a Diploma in Social Media Marketing. This course is available for all who aspire to be digital marketing experts in Australia, from students who want to pursue this as a career to business owners like yourself who want to grow your business marketing strategy. For 12 months, go through 8 units of detailed and immersive lectures and exercises learning about Facebook and other social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and more. The course skills can be applied right away, so you can be creating your social media plan as you go along the course. This Diploma will ultimately help grow your business and increase revenue using clever digital marketing strategies.
